How should an Uber Partner use an EV?
Most of the EV’s WeFlex and other providers in the market offer have a range of at least 250 miles. The range will deplete a bit if you use air conditioning or heating.
How you drive your EV is super important too, so for a Nissan Leaf you should drive in Eco mode and B Mode which recovers braking energy.
Cost savings for Uber Partners driving an EV
Driving an EV really means you save money and the planet so it’s a win win. The following savings apply:
Use the Uber Clean Air Fund which makes your vehicle cheaper e.g. if you rent a vehicle you get £23/week off your rental
No Road Tax
No Congestion Charge – saving you £75/ week if you drive into the zone
Lower servicing and fuel cost – Save £33/week
These savings really add up, and make it attractive to switch to an EV using the Uber Clean Air Fund.