As London starts to get back into full swing and the ride hailing market recovers, WeFlex is investing in its recovery, after hiring senior finance director, Lester Loh, to join its leadership team as Chief Financial Officer.
Loh, a 35-year finance veteran, spent eight years at EY and almost two decades at Serco Group, focusing on corporate finance, commercial, technology, outsourcing, restructuring and business transformation in small, medium-sized and large organistions.
He joins at a time where WeFlex has struck up new partnerships with Kia, Nissan and MG to bring thousands of brand-new electric vehicles into London’s ride hailing market.
In London there are currently c. 2,000 Uber drivers in Electric Cars out of c. 50,000 drivers, and Uber have committed to be 100% Electric by 2025. WeFlex plans to play a key part in this move to EV’s with a short-term aim to reach 5,000 electric vehicles.
Uber has given a further vote of confidence in the recovery of ride hailing in the capital, recently announcing that it plans to attract a further 20,000 drivers to its platform to meet consumer demand in London.
Founder and CEO Nicko Williamson said: “Lester is a great addition to the team at a time where business is booming and ride hailing drivers cannot wait to get a set of EV keys from us so they can get onto the roads in a brand new EV. As we ramp up, we needed a 1st rate experienced Chief Financial Officer to take ownership of the financial aspects of our business.”